On the login page, press the Register link button

On the next page enter your email to be used for the ICOS fileshare account and press the Request verification link

You will receive within a few minutes on that email address an email with a link that you can click, or copy/paste in your web browser and follow. You can also copy thee verification code in the email and paste it on the next page:

After filling in the code press the Verify button, and if you click the verification link in the email you will see the screen below where you can enter your desired user name and password. Please read the information on the screen and note the link ICOS fileshare user information | ICOS (icos-cp.eu)  to additionally enter more details that will help us to provide you with the right authorizations. Press the create account and you are done! You can now login at with you email address or user name and the password you chose. 

Please don't forget to fill in ICOS fileshare user information | ICOS (icos-cp.eu)