First of all, we want to make our users' experience as smooth as possible – and this is best supported by storing settings and choices in a user profile. Secondly, we like to know our users! 

For all users the option of accepting the ICOS data licence on makes downloading ICOS data a breeze after logging in. Soon we will also offer you the option to receive an email on the registered address when data you have downloaded before receives an update.

For ICOS data suppliers like station PIs, the registration is required to authorize certain functions, like data upload, use of the labelling app etc. 

In the future the linking of your account with ORCID will allow us to push your contributions and ICOS related publication to your ORCID profile. We will also list your most recent uploads and queries there for later reference. 

Please note that all information in your account is strictly personal and secure. At any time you can have all the information stored there removed.